Deaf Dating 3 Top Tips
Top 3 Deaf Dating Tips written by: Prof.Young
Deaf dating can be harder than dating in the hearing world. The options of where to go and what activities to do can be limited. When you date someone you want to be able to connect, to learn more about that person. You can not do that as easily if you are more limited in your date activities. Here are some tips for dating deaf or hard of hearing people.

Tip #1 - Use a Dating Site If you are only looking to date other deaf, hard of hearing people it can be hard since meeting other deaf or hard of hearing people can be difficult in day to day life. Because of this, many people have turned to the internet to find someone. Deaf dating sites are all over the internet. Sure you could use something like but it isn't tailored to who you are. It doesn't weed out the people who would be turned off by your lack of hearing. A deaf dating site is specifically for people who want to date someone who is deaf. They may be deaf themselves or have a family member that is. Either way they are aware of the one thing that can make it so difficult for you to date someone - and they don't mind!
Tip #2 - Choose a Good Activity Obviously dating someone who is deaf or hard of hearing is different than dating a hearing person. Concerts are out. Other activities that do not allow you to have your hands free to sign are out. So what should you do on your date? A first date is often the most difficult to decide on an activity for. A good idea is to go to a cafe for coffee. If the date is going well you can venture on to somewhere else afterwords. Mini Golf is another great first date idea. You have plenty of time in between taking shots through a jokers mouth to talk about things and get to know one another. If in person the person is not what you expected the date can be as short as you want it to be. You don't have to waste time waiting for a meal if you can already tell that this person is not someone you would like to see again. Movies can be an option if they have RW captions, but those can be hard to find. Movies aren't really a good idea for a first date because you will not have as much of an opportunity to communicate.
Tip #3 - Play It Safe Don't let your trusting nature get you into trouble. ~ Make sure that you meet the person you are interested in publicly. If it is a blind date, internet date, or just someone you have casually run into, it is not smart to let them know where you live until you get to know them. ~ Let your friends know where you are going, and who you will be with. If it is an internet date give them the person's profile. If you have your dates phone number give them that as well. If you change plans mid-date let your friend know. ~ Check in with your friends when you arrive, when you leave, and when you arrive home. This will let them know where you should be and give a better timeline if you don't arrive home when you are expected to. ~ Never leave your drink alone. Roofies, or GHB and Rohypnol can be slipped into your drink or food and you would not know it until it was much too late. Also don't allow your date to buy you a drink unless you are there to watch it being prepared. ~ Carry some protection. You don't have to go overboard and get a concealed carry gun licence to date. Simple mace, or pepper spray will do. These ideas are especially important on a first date, but should be followed until you have gotten to know someone better.
Deaf dating can be the most exciting time of your life if it is done right. There is nothing like finding someone you enjoy spending time with - and likes your dog. Use these tips and the other information you find on our site to make sure that your dates are amazing.